- Matching information & matching names (thuộc dạng Classification) là phần chắc chắn gặp trong phần thi IELTS Reading, hôm nay IELTS TUTOR cung cấp các bài tập thuộc dạng CLASSIFICATION & MATCHING INFORMATION bên cạnh Hướng dẫn đề thi IELTS 21/11/2020 bài WRITING TASK 2 về Relocating Business to Regional Areas (kèm bài sửa của học sinh đi thi)
IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách làm dạng Matching Name (thuộc Classification) IELTS READING
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1. BÀI TẬP 1: The Motor Car
A There are now over 700 million motor vehicles in the world - and the number is rising by more than 40 million each year. The average distance driven by car users is growing too - from 8 km a day per person in western Europe in 1965 to 25 km a day in 1995. This dependence on motor vehicles has given rise to major problems, including environmental pollution, depletion of oil resources, traffic congestion and safety.
B While emissions from new cars are far less harmful than they used to be, city streets and motorways are becoming more crowded than ever, often with older trucks, buses and taxis, which emit excessive levels of smoke and fumes. This concentration of vehicles makes air quality in urban areas unpleasant and sometimes dangerous to breathe. Even Moscow has joined the list of capitals afflicted by congestion and traffic fumes. In Mexico City, vehicle pollution is a major health hazard.
C Until a hundred years ago, most journeys were in the 20 km range, the distance conveniently accessible by horse. Heavy freight could only be carried by water or rail. The invention of the motor vehicle brought personal mobility to the masses and made rapid freight delivery possible over a much wider area. Today about 90 percent of inland freight in the United Kingdom is carried by road. Clearly, the world cannot revert to the horse-drawn wagon. Can it avoid being locked into congested and polluting ways of transporting people and goods?
D In Europe, most cities are still designed for the old modes of transport. Adaptation to the motor car has involved adding ring roads, one-way systems and parking lots. In the United States, more land is assigned to car use than to housing. Urban sprawl means that life without a car is next to impossible. Mass use of motor vehicles has also killed or injured millions of people. Other social effects have been blamed on the car such as alienation and aggressive human behaviour.
E A 1993 study by the European Federation for Transport and Environment found that car transport is seven times as costly as rail travel in terms of the external social costs it entails such as congestion, accidents, pollution, loss of cropland and natural habitats, depletion of oil resources, and so on. Yet cars easily surpass trains or buses as a flexible and convenient mode of personal transport. It is unrealistic to expect people to give up private cars in favour of mass transit.
F Technical solutions can reduce the pollution problem and increase the fuel efficiency of engines. But fuel consumption and exhaust emissions depend on which cars are preferred by customers and how they are driven. Many people buy larger cars than they need for daily purposes or waste fuel by driving aggressively. Besides, global car use is increasing at a faster rate than the improvement in emissions and fuel efficiency which technology is now making possible.
G One solution that has been put forward is the long-term solution of designing cities and neighbourhoods so that car journeys are not necessary - all essential services being located within walking distance or easily accessible by public transport. Not only would this save energy and cut carbon dioxide emissions, it would also enhance the quality of community life, putting the emphasis on people instead of cars. Good local government is already bringing this about in some places. But few democratic communities are blessed with the vision - and the capital - to make such profound changes in modern lifestyles.
H A more likely scenario seems to be a combination of mass transit systems for travel into and around cities, with small 'low emission' cars for urban use and larger hybrid or lean burn cars for use elsewhere. Electronically tolled highways might be used to ensure that drivers pay charges geared to actual road use. Better integration of transport systems is also highly desirable - and made more feasible by modern computers. But these are solutions for countries which can afford them. In most developing countries, old cars and old technologies continue to predominate.
Questions 14-19
Reading Passage has eight paragraphs (A-H). Which paragraphs concentrate on the following information? Write the appropriate letters (A-H) in boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet.
NB You need only write ONE letter for each answer.
14 a comparison of past and present transportation methods
15 how driving habits contribute to road problems
16 the relative merits of cars and public transport
17 the writer's own prediction of future solutions
18 the increasing use of motor vehicles
19 the impact of the car on city development
2. BÀI TẬP 2
London to Brighton Bike Ride
The start
The bike ride starts at Clapham Common tube station.
• Your Start Time is indicated by the colour of your body number in this pack. It is also printed on the address label of the envelope. Please arrive no earlier than 30 minutes before that time.
• We allocate an equal number of cyclists for each Start Time to ensure a steady flow. Please keep to the time you've been given so we can keep to our schedule and avoid delaying other riders and prevent 'bunching' further down the route.
• An Information Point, toilets and refreshment stands will be open from very early in the day.
Ride carefully
We put together as many facilities as possible to help ensure you have a troublefree day. But we also rely on you to ride safely and with due consideration for other cyclists and road users. Although many roads are closed to oncoming traffic, this is not always the case and you should be aware of the possibility that there could be vehicles coming in the opposite direction. Please do not attempt reckless overtaking whilst riding – remember it is NOT a race.
Follow all instructions
Every effort is made to ensure that the route is well signed and marshaled. Please obey all directions from police and marshals on the route. If you hear a motorcycle marshal blow his/her whistle three times, move left.
Wear a helmet
Every year we are delighted to see more riders wearing protective helmets, but we would like to see every cyclist on the ride wearing one. More than half of reported injuries in cycling accidents are to the head, and a helmet gives the best protection when the head hits the ground.
Attracting assistance
If you have an accident, ask a marshal for help; they are in contact with the
support/emergency services. To call for help from our motorcycle marshals, give a 'thumbs down' signal. The marshal will do all he/she can to help, providing he/she is not already going to a more serious accident. If a motorcycle marshal slows down to help you, but you have just stopped for a rest and don't need help, please give a 'thumbs up' signal and he/she will carry on. Remember – thumbs down means 'I need help'.
In case of breakdown
Refer to your route map and make your way to a Mechanics Point. Mechanical assistance is free when you show your Rider Identity Card; you just pay for the parts.
Refreshment stops
Look out for these along the route. Most are organised by voluntary clubs and their prices give you real value for money. They are also raising money for their local communities and the British Heart Foundation, so please give them your support.
Rain or shine – be prepared
In the event of very bad weather, watch out for signs to wet weather stations en route. Good waterproofs, like a cycle cape, are essential. Our first aid staff can only supply bin liners and by the time you get one you may be very wet. However, the English summer is unpredictable – it may also be hot, so don't forget the sun protection cream as well!
If you have to drop out
We will try to pick up your bike for you on the day. Call Bike Events (01225 310859) no more than two weeks after the ride to arrange collection. Sorry, we cannot guarantee this service nor can we accept liability for any loss or damage to your bike. Bike Events will hold your bike for three months, after which it may be disposed of. You will be charged for all costs incurred in returning your cycle.
Questions 1 – 8
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?
In boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
1 You should not arrive more than half an hour before your allocated starting time.
2 Your Rider Identity Card will be sent to you before the event.
3 Some roads may have normal traffic flow on them.
4 Helmets are compulsory for all participants.
5 Refreshments are free to all participants during the ride.
6 If you need a rest you must get off the road.
7 First aid staff can provide cycle capes.
8 Bike Events will charge you for the return of your bike.
3. BÀI 3:
A utopia is a community or society possessing highly desirable or perfect qualities. The word was coined in Greek by Sir Thomas More for his 1516 book Utopia, describing a fictional island society in the Atlantic Ocean. Chronologically, the first recorded utopian proposal is Plato's Republic. It proposes a categorization of citizens into a rigid class structure of "golden," "silver," "bronze" and "iron" socioeconomic classes. In the early 19th century, several “utopian socialist” ideas arose, in response to the belief that social disruption was created by the development of commercialism and capitalism. These ideas shared certain characteristics: an egalitarian distribution of goods, frequently with the total abolition of money, and citizens only doing work which they enjoy and which is for the common good, leaving them with ample time for the cultivation of the arts and sciences. One classic example of such a utopia was Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward. Another socialist utopia is William Morris' News from Nowhere, written partially in response to the top-down (bureaucratic) nature of Bellamy's utopia, which Morris criticized. However, as the socialist movement developed it moved away from utopianism; Karl Marx in particular became a harsh critic of earlier socialism he described as utopian. Utopias have also been imagined by the opposite side of the political spectrum. For example, Robert A. Heinlein's The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress portrays an individualistic and libertarian utopia. Capitalist utopias of this sort are generally based on free market economies, in which the presupposition is that private enterprise and personal initiative without an institution of coercion, government, provides the greatest opportunity for achievement and progress of both the individual and society as a whole.
Answer questions 1 to 5 by choosing the correct letter A to F .
Which of the writers below...
A) Sir Thomas More
B) Plato
C) Edward Bellamy
D) William Morris
E) Karl Marx
F) Robert A. Heinlein
1. imagined a utopia based on individual freedom?
2. first used the word ‘utopia’?
3. wrote about a bureaucratic socialist utopia?
4. first described a utopian society?
5. distanced himself from utopian socialism?
4. BÀI 4
Chores for children
Assigning new jobs for children as they mature will develop their work ethic, says Gregg Murset, CEO of BusyKid, a chore and allowance tracking app. “The most important thing is to challenge them,” he says. “Once they have some proficiency you need to make them stretch to do the next job.” Mr. Murset, a father of six children ages 10 to 20, believes parents should teach children to do housework when they’re young, no matter if it yields imperfect results. “Even though it’s easier to just clean the toilet by yourself and be done with it, you have to take the long view and realise that these fundamental life skills are so important,” he says.
Attaching an allowance to chores teaches children not to expect handouts, says Michael Eisenberg, a financial advisor and member of the National Financial Literacy Commission. “At earlier ages, it instills within children the reality that you do something and you get paid for it,” he says. “Later on in life, they learn that the only way we get money is if we produce stuff at our jobs.” Some 68% of U.S. parents say they pay an allowance to their children, at an average rate of $67.80 per month, according to a 2016 survey of 1,005 adults. More than 80% of respondents who pay an allowance say they want to teach their child the value of money and financial responsibility, the survey found.
Who expressed the four opinions below? Answer by choosing A, B or C.
1) Children should learn that you don’t get something for nothing.
2) Parents should give their children tasks of increasing difficulty.
3) Children should learn to manage their money carefully.
4) Parents should think about the future benefits of giving chores to their children.
A Gregg Murset
B Michael Eisenberg
C most American parents
5. BÀI 5
Read the following passage about the history of the computer.
The history of the computer can be traced back around 2000 years to the birth of the abacus. However, construction of the first digital computer is usually attributed to the French inventor Blaise Pascal. In 1642, Pascal built a mechanical calculating machine which added numbers entered with dials. In the early 19th century, Charles Babbage, an English mechanical engineer, originated the concept of a programmable computer. His ‘Analytical Engine’ incorporated an arithmetic logic unit, control flow in the form of conditional branching and loops, and integrated memory, making it the first design for a general-purpose computer that could be described in modern terms.
The era of modern computing began with a flurry of development before and during World War II. The ‘Z2’ was one of the earliest examples of an electro-mechanical relay computer, and was created by German engineer Konrad Zuse in 1939. In the same year, electro-mechanical devices called bombes were built by British cryptologists to help decipher secret wartime messages. The initial design of the bombe was produced by Alan Turing, who was the first scientist to describe the principle of the modern computer. He proved that a machine would be capable of performing any conceivable mathematical computation if it were representable as an algorithm.
The Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine, nicknamed ‘Baby’, was the world's first stored-program computer. It was invented by Frederic Williams and Tom Kilburn, and ran its first program in 1948. Although the computer was considered "small and primitive" by the standards of its time, it was the first working machine to contain all of the elements essential to a modern electronic computer.
Which scientist or inventor...
- designed a computer to aid military intelligence gathering?
- introduced the concept of the computer as a programmable machine?
- built the first electronic computer that had all the basic features of the computers we use today?
- built the first mechanical computer?
Choose your answers from the following list:
A - Blaise Pascal
B - Charles Babbage
C - Konrad Zuse
D - Alan Turing
E - Frederic Williams and Tom Kilburn
6. BÀI 6
Read the following passage about the tutorial method of teaching, which is used in some universities.
A) The tutorial method of teaching, where students are taught individually or in very small groups of two or three, developed as the collegiate system in Oxford and Cambridge Universities established itself. Teaching has existed in Oxford since the 11th century, and the role of tutors was documented in the 15th century, when Oxford tutors were described as ‘having responsibility for the conduct and instruction of their younger colleagues’ (Moore, 1968). Thus, the early role of the tutor was both pastoral as well as academic.
B) One of the foundations of Oxford’s academic excellence is the dialectic of the individual, discussion-based tutorial which is reputed to have reached its unique status in the middle of the 19th century. Professor Benjamin Jowett, classicist and Master of Balliol College, Oxford, is traditionally credited with having been the guiding influence behind the establishment of the tutorial system based on the Socratic method. His students said of Jowett, ‘his great skill consisted, like Socrates, in helping us to learn and think for ourselves’ (Markham, 1967). When Jowett took up the mantle of Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University in 1882, his teaching method of Socratic dialogue became established as a ‘pattern for the whole university’ (Markham, 1967).
C) In the last decade, multiple studies have been conducted exploring the unique learning benefits of the tutorial method. 130 years after it was formally established as the cornerstone of Oxford education, the tutorial method retains its prestige and effectiveness. As the present university website states, it is through the tutorial system that ‘students develop powers of independent and critical thought, analytical and problem-solving abilities, and skills in both written and oral communication and argument'.
(Source: http://www.greenes.org.uk/our-history/the-history-of-the-tutorial/)
Which paragraph contains the information in the statements below?
1. The tutorial is still a key part of the Oxford education system.
2. The tutorial method encourages students to learn independently.
3. The tutorial method features in Oxford University marketing.
4. Traditionally, Oxford tutors had more than just an academic role.
7. BÀI 7
- Bài tập số 7 này đang là bài luyện tập nên 6 câu để nêu ý chính heading ở phía dưới sẽ ngắn hơn rất nhiều so với đền thi thật nhé
The space agency NASA proposes six "lunar exploration themes" to answer the question, "Why should we return to the Moon?"
Match each heading from the following list with one of the themes described below.
A) Economic Expansion
B) Scientific Knowledge
C) Global Partnerships
D) Human Civilisation
E) Public Engagement
F) Exploration Preparation
1. Extend human presence to the Moon to enable eventual settlement.
2. Pursue scientific activities that address fundamental questions about the history of Earth, the solar system and the universe; and therefore, about our place in them.
3. Test technologies, systems, flight operations and exploration techniques to reduce the risks and increase the productivity of future missions to Mars and beyond.
4. Provide a challenging, shared and peaceful activity that unites nations in pursuit of common objectives.
5. Expand Earth's economic sphere, and conduct lunar activities with benefits to life on the home planet.
6. Use a lively space exploration program to engage the public, encourage students and help develop the high-technology workforce that will be required to address the challenges of tomorrow.
8. BÀI 8
Read the following passage about the meaning of 'genius'.
A genius is a person who displays exceptional intellectual ability, creativity, or originality, typically to a degree that is associated with the achievement of an unprecedented leap of insight. Various philosophers have proposed definitions of what genius is.
In the philosophy of David Hume, a genius is seen by others as a person disconnected from society, who works remotely, away from the rest of the world. For Immanuel Kant, genius is the ability to independently arrive at and understand concepts that would normally have to be taught by another person. Arthur Schopenhauer defined a genius as someone in whom intellect predominates over "will". According to Bertrand Russell, a genius possesses unique qualities and talents that make him or her especially valuable to society.
Match each of the following statements to one of the philosophers below.
1. A genius is someone who does not require instruction.
2. We tend to regard geniuses as solitary figures.
3. A genius has the ability to make an exceptional contribution to society.
A) Hume
B) Kant
C) Schopenhauer
D) Russell
9. BÀI 9
Read the following paragraphs, taken from The Guardian newspaper.
A) The hunt for intelligent species outside Earth may be a staple of literature and film – but it is happening in real life, too. Nasa probes are on the lookout for planets outside our solar system, and astronomers are carefully listening for any messages being beamed through space. How awe-inspiring it would be to get confirmation that we are not alone in the universe, to finally speak to an alien race. Wouldn't it?
B) Well no, according to the eminent physicist Stephen Hawking. "If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," Hawking has said in a forthcoming documentary made for the Discovery Channel. He argues that, instead of trying to find and communicate with life in the cosmos, humans would be better off doing everything they can to avoid contact.
C) Hawking believes that, based on the sheer number of planets that scientists know must exist, we are not the only life-form in the universe. There are, after all, billions and billions of stars in our galaxy alone, with, it is reasonable to expect, an even greater number of planets orbiting them. And it is not unreasonable to expect some of that alien life to be intelligent, and capable of interstellar communication.
Match each paragraph with one of the headings below.
- A pessimistic prediction.
- The probability of life existing on other planets.
- Astronomers send messages through space.
- How to avoid contact with aliens.
- The search for alien life-forms.
- Life-forms exist on other planets.
- Elementary
- Adequate
- Conscious
- Aggression
- Expansive
- Solidary
- Equilibrium
Exercise 1 + 2 +3
- Excessive
- predictable ->unpredictable
- Bureaucratic
- Socialism -> socialist
- Coercion
Exercise 4 + 5+ 6
- Proficiency
- Fundamental
- Instill
- Primitive
- Algorithm
- Analytical
Exercise 8
- Exceptional
- Unprecedented
- Philosopher
- Eminent
- Orbit
- Interstella

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