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June 24, 2021

Bên cạnh học kĩ các từ vựng về online shopping là một topic thường được ra thi trong IELTS WRITING và IELTS SPEAKING &  HƯỚNG DẪN TỪNG BƯỚC CÁCH LÀM BÀI TẬP MẪU IELTS READING DẠNG FILL IN THE GAP, các em cũng nên chủ động nắm vững các cụm từ hay nhầm lẫn, sau đây IELTS TUTOR giới thiệu đến các em sự khác nhau giữa các từ rất hay bị nhầm lẫn đó là Contain, Include, Consist và Involve

1. Contain: nghĩa là chứa đựng ==> thành phần chính


  • have as the main or only part ( đóng vai trò là yếu tố chính hoặc yếu tố duy nhất )
  • be formed from different things ( được tạo nên bởi những thứ khác nhau)

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • How much liquid do you think this bottle contains? 
  • I lost a file containing a lot of important documents. 
  • Try to avoid foods which contain a lot of fat. 
  • The allegations contained in this report are very serious
  • Raw vegetables contain more potassium than cooked ones. 
  • These biscuits contain oats. 
  • The cupboard contained all kinds of strange things. 
  • The following programme contains scenes that may be disturbing to some viewers. 
  • The letter contains a number of typing errors.

2. Include: nghĩa là bao gồm ==> còn nhiều thứ khác trong đó nữa



  • be part of the whole / make part of the whole ( là một phần của tổng thể / tạo thành 1 phần trong tổng thể )

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • The bill includes tax and service. 
  • Tax and service are included in the bill. [ + -ing verb ] 
  • Your responsibilities will include making appointments on my behalf.
  • Mozart's musical compositions include symphonies and operas. 
  • Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature and a persistent dry cough. 
  • This dictionary includes both British and American spellings of words. 
  • The museum's collection includes works of art from all around the world. 
  • Additional benefits include a company car and free health insurance.

3. Involve: nghĩa là bao gồm, liên quan đến hoặc liên ngụy

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Research involving the use of biological warfare agents will be used for defensive purposes. [ + -ing verb ] 
  • The operation involves putting a small tube into your heart.
  • The second accident involved two cars and a lorry.
  • I prefer teaching methods that actively involve students in learning. 
  • She's been involved with animal rights for many years. 
  • It would be difficult not to involve the child's father in the arrangements.
  • The new mayor is keen to involve the local community in his plans for the city. 
  • They said that the job would involve travelling to Paris. 
  • She was very involved with sports at college, and her studies suffered. 
  • Her job involves filing and other general office work. 
  • The test involves simple calculations, such as addition and subtraction.

4. Consist of: nghĩa là bao gồm

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans. 
  • It's a simple dish to prepare, consisting mainly of rice and vegetables.
  • A company's assets can consist of cash, investments, buildings, machinery, specialist knowledge or copyright material such as music or computer software. 
  • Many jazz trios consist of a piano, guitar and double bass. 
  • Atoms consist of positively-charged protons, negatively-charged electrons and neutral particles called neutrons. 
  • The meal consisted of smoked salmon, followed by guinea fowl . 
  • Breakfast, such as it was, consisted of a plain roll and a cup of coffee.

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