Đối với phần listening, Phân bổ Thời Gian Không Hợp Lí khiến bạn mất thông tin của những câu tiếp theo, dẫn đến MISS luôn một dây chuyền đápn đápn đáp Khó khăn mà thí sinh đưa ra là: "Ở phần IELTS Listening, mình thấy rất khó để đọc hiểu tận mấy câu hỏi chỉ trong 1 phút". Bên cạnh HướNG Dẫn Phương Pháp HọC IELTS Speaking SITIU HIệU Qả , IELTS TUTOR Sẽ Hướng dẫn cách quản lý thời gian một cách hợp lý trong Listening, qua đó giúp bạn đạt được số điểm mình mong muốn.
I. Những lưu ý trong việc phân bổ thời gian IELTS LISTENING
1. Những lưu ý chung
- Sẽ có khoảng một phút để đọc tất cả các câu hỏi trong mỗi section trước khi nghe audio, tốt hơn hết là em nên dành thời gian này, cũng như thời gian thử băng đọc sơ qua Section 3-4. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách làm 6 dạng thường gặp IELTS LISTENING
IELTS TUTOR lưu ý đọc thật kĩ câu hỏi của từng Section, luôn ưu tiên cho câu hỏi Section 3-4
1.1 Section 1
- Ở Section 1, các bạn sẽ có khá nhiều thời gian để đọc câu hỏi, vì ngoài thời gian đọc ra, còn có cả thời gian người ta làm đáp án câu mẫu cho các bạn nên các bạn sẽ ngay lập tức đọc đáp án 5 câu đầu của Section 1, đọc lướt sơ qua 5 câu sau của Section 1 (chỉ đọc lướt không đọc kĩ vì sau khi nghe 5 câu đầu thì các bạn lại có khoảng thời gian nữa để đọc 5 câu cuối), sau đó các bạn ngay lập tức đọc câu hỏi cho Section 4, đọc càng kĩ càng tốt, đọc và highlight keywords. Lí do là vì Section 4 các bạn sẽ nghe 1 lèo 10 câu nên khoảng thời gian đọc câu hỏi là khá ngắn, nên các bạn đọc kĩ được Section 4 chừng nào sẽ tốt chừng ấy, nếu đọc xong Section 4 rồi thì các bạn đọc qua Section 3. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý CHIẾN THUẬT IELTS LISTENING
IELTS TUTOR lưu ý là nếu ở giữa mỗi Section có thời gian đọc câu hỏi, thì bắt buộc các bạn phải đọc lại kĩ câu hỏi trong Section đang nghe, đừng ham đọc câu hỏi của những Section khác, sẽ rất dễ bị miss đáp án của Section đang nghe nhé
1.2 Section 2
- Ở Section 2, nếu có dạng Map các bạn phải tập trung đọc cho kĩ, vừa đọc vừa xác định phương hướng, dạng Map là một dạng khó nếu các bạn làm sai nhiều dạng này thì rất dễ bị điểm thấp những phần còn lại do mất bình tĩnh
1.3 Section 3 và section 4
- Section 3 và 4 có rất nhiều câu hỏi điền từ, các bạn ngoài phải đọc nhanh, còn phải phán đoán cho được cái từ mình cần điền sẽ là từ gì
- Khi làm IELTS LISTENING, các bạn sẽ có 10 phút chuyển đáp án, nên khi làm IELTS LISTENING các bạn cứ làm thẳng ở trên đề, 10 phút chuyển Đáp Án là dư sức để các bạn chuyển đáp án từ đề vào tờ Answer Sheet, cho nên đừng mất thời gian vào việc nghe câu nào chuyển vào đáp án như IELTS READING nhé!
IELTS TUTOR lưu ý để làm bài đúng trong IELTS LISTENING, ngoài đọc nhanh câu hỏi, các bạn bắt buộc phải HIỂU câu hỏi người ta nói gì
2. Những lưu ý khác
- Để HIỂU câu hỏi người ta nói gì, các bạn phải xác định cho được KEYWORDS, để khi speakers nhắc đến đáp án của câu hỏi đấy trong băng ngay lập tức các bạn sẽ khoanh vùng được đấy là đáp án của câu hỏi. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý PHƯƠNG PHÁP LUYỆN KĨ NĂNG NGHE HIỂU
IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Phải biết cách bỏ qua những câu hỏi khó, không mất bình tĩnh vì nó
- Hãy nhớ rằng độ khó của câu hỏi khác nhau trong các bài kiểm tra IELTS (trong cả hai phần Listening và Reading). Chẳng hạn, trong phần Listening, có khoảng 5 câu hỏi rất khó mà chỉ những ứng cử viên hướng tới band 8, 8.5 hoặc 9 có thể trả lời.
IELTS TUTOR lưu ý trong lúc băng đang chạy, hãy tập trung nghe băng, đừng đọc những Options trong dạng Multiple Choice nữa
- Một sai lầm lớn mà nhiều em mắc phải khi gặp loại câu hỏi là này là, trong khi ghi âm diễn ra, họ vẫn đọc lại các options. Điều này rất dễ làm sai dây chuyền, mất dấu keywords không biết speaker đang nói đến đâu
- IELTS TUTOR lưu ý trong lúc băng đang chạy, phải nắm bắt cho được Speakers đang nói đến chỗ nào trong bộ câu hỏi, chỉ liếc sơ những keywords bạn đã gạch ở câu hỏi để nghe cho ra đáp án
Luôn nắm vững quy luật của IELTS LISTENING, là speaker trong băng sẽ luôn follow thứ tự bộ câu hỏi mà các bạn đang đọc, nên giả sử có miss câu nào thì bỏ qua luôn, và tập trung vào câu hỏi tiếp theo
- Dành một phút để nhìn qua mỗi section. Tức là tận dụng 30s giữa mỗi Section để đọc ngay vào câu hỏi của Section mới!
- Đó là khoảng thời gian trống gồm 30 giây cuối mỗi section (được cho để kiểm tra lại đáp án) và 30 giây cho section tiếp theo (để nhìn lướt qua nội dung cần nghe).
- Khoảng thời gian 30 giây mà được cho cuối mỗi section để check đáp án của section đó thực tế thì sẽ rất ít khả năng có thể điền thêm, chỉnh sửa được đáp án đúng vì chỉ được nghe một lần thôi.
- Thay vì dùng nó theo mục đích ‘nguyên thủy’ được đề ra, hãy sử dụng nó một cách hữu ích hơn là tăng thời gian đọc trước đề để hiểu và dự đoán (1 phút hơn hẳn 30 giây). >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý REVIEW SÁCH IELTS LISTENING LUYỆN ĐỀ NÊN LÀM NHẤT
II. Gợi ý cách phân bổ thời gian IELTS LISTENING có thể áp dụng
1. Lưu ý trước khi đọc những phân bố sau
- Cái này chỉ là gợi ý của IELTS TUTOR về cách phân bố thời gian mà em có thể áp dụng, tuỳ thuộc vào thói quen, cũng như phương pháp luyện tập ở nhà của em như thế nào thì cách phân bố này mới có hiệu quả hay là không. Quan trọng nhất là em luyện tập ở nhà cho kĩ, và rút ra được cách phân bố thời gian như nào là tốt nhất cho mình nhé
2. Gợi ý cách phân bố thời gian IELTS LISTENING có thể tham khảo
- 25s đầu giới thiệu -> lướt qua toàn bộ đề và XEM SƠ QUA PART 4
- 30s tiếp thêo cho part 1 -> đọc part 1 (ĐỌC PHẦN ĐẦU CỦA PART 1 THÔI vì part 1 super dễ, lúc qua phần 2 thì có thời gian đọc rồi)
- 25s tiếp theo của part 1-> đọc câu 7-10 của part 1
- 30s tiếp theo khi hết part 1-> CHECK LẠI PART 1 CÁC ĐÁP ÁN OK CHƯA, SAU ĐÓ đọc lướt PHẦN ĐẦU CỦA PART 2, chứ không đọc hết PART 2
- 30s tiếp theo phần 1, part 2-> đọc phần 1 part 2
- 30s tiếp trc khi phần 2, part 2-> đọc kỹ phần 2 part 2. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách nghe số liệu trong IELTS LISTENING
- 30s tiếp theo khi end part 2-> CHECK LẠI PART 2 CÁC ĐÁP ÁN OK CHƯA, SAU ĐÓ đọc lướt PHẦN ĐẦU CỦA PART 3, chứ không đọc hết PART 3
- 30s tiếp theo trc khi phần 1 part 3 -> đọc đọc kỹ phần 1 phần 3
- 30s tiếp theo trc khi phần 2 part 3-> đọc kỹ phần 2 phần 3
- 30s + 1 phút trc phần 4 đọc kỹ phần 4
Nếu không xem được File PDF các em tham khảo File câu hỏi ở đây nhé
III. Bài tập
1.Exercise 5.01: Matching
Questions 1-7
Listen to a dialogue in the repairs section of Snow's bicycle shop and match words and phrases from the box with the numbered gaps, 1-7. There are more words and phrases than you will need. The recording is played once only.
Not ready

2.Exercise 5.02: Matching
Questions 1-7
Listen to a talk about a hospital plan and match the letters, A-I, that represent the floors with the list of places, 1-7. Not all the letters are needed. NO LETTER IS USED MORE THAN ONCE. The recording is played once only.
Letter Explanation
Arthur Bertram Memorial Hospital
Example Answer
Reception A
1. Medical stores ....................................
2. X-ray Department ....................................
3. Orthopaedic Ward ....................................
4. Children's Ward ....................................
5. Physiotherapy Unit ....................................
6. Eye Department ....................................
7. Medical records ....................................
3.Exercise 5.03: Matching
Questions a-h
You will hear a conversation about a summer course. Based on the information you hear, match words from the box with the lettered gaps, a-h, in the table on the next page. There are more words than you will need. One word may be used more than once. The recording is played once only.
4.Exercise 5.04: Matching
Bài nghe thuộc chương trình học của lớp IELTS ONLINE LISTENING 1 KÈM 1 của IELTS TUTOR
Questions 1-5
Listen to a talk and link each stage listed below to the note that best matches it. Write an appropriate letter, A-E, in each blank box. The recording is played once only.
Requires sensitivity A
Uses situations from other countries B
Most satisfying C
Skills focus D
Benefits most from experience E
Learns large amounts of facts by heart F
Key Stages in Student Education Notes
Teacher Dependence F
1. Cultural awareness ..............................
2. Confrontation ..............................
3. Challenge ..............................
4. Reassurance ..............................
5. Consolidation ..............................
5.Exercise 5.05: Matching
Questions 1-7
You will hear a report on life in the country of Belgrovia today. Match the letters, A-K, that represent the figures given with the phrases, 1-7. Not all the letters are needed. You may use some of the letters more than once. The recording is played once only.
In international education rankings, in the top A
1. Start learning 2nd foreign language at .................
2. Age at which they leave school .................
3. First boyfriend/girlfriend .................
4. Leave home .................
5. Buy first car .................
6. Age at first marriage .................
7. Average number of divorces per 100 weddings .................
A. 12
B. 13
C. 14
D. 15
E. 16
F. 17
G. 18
H. 19
I. 20
J. 21
K. 22
6.Exercise 5.06: Matching
Questions 1-8
Based on the talk you hear, match the definitions from the box, A-K, with the words and phrases, 1-8. NO LETTER IS USED MORE THAN ONCE. There are more options than are required. The recording is played once only.
1. a chicken ................
2. a turkey ................
3. beefy ................
4. rosbif ................
5. sheepish ................
6. to eat like a pig ................
7. to wolf it down ................
8. to be able to eat a horse ................
A. French term for the English
B. English term for the French
C. strong
D. overweight
E. a coward, cowardly
F. timid, shy
G. slow stupid
H. a failure
I. to eat messily
J. to eat very quickly
K. to be very hungry
7.Exercise 5.07: Matching
Bài nghe thuộc chương trình học của lớp IELTS ONLINE LISTENING 1 KÈM 1 của IELTS TUTOR
Questions 1-5
Based on the dialogue you hear, choose the letters from the box, A-K, that represent the in: formation to complete sentences 1-5. NO LETTER IS USED MORE THAN ONCE. There arı more options than are required. The recording is played once only.
The language of dictionary the customer wants is A
1. The daughter has been studying the language for .............
2. The shop assistant recommends .............
3. The daughter has been on exchanges for a total of .............
4. An electronic dictionary has .............
5. For advanced learners, an electronic dictionary is .............
A. French
B. electronic dictionary
C. book dictionary
D. 1 month
E. 3 months
F. 3 years
G. 5 years
H. more examples visible
I. fewer examples visible
J. slower
K. faster
8.Exercise 5.08: Matching
Questions 1-8
Based on the dialogue you hear, choose letters from the box, A-), that represent the descriptions of the two dictionaries below. NO LETTER IS USED MORE THAN ONCE. There are more options than are required. The recording is played once only.
Webster's Dictionary
1. ..............................
2. ..............................
3. ..............................
4. ..............................
Branston's Dictionary
5. ..............................
6. ..............................
7. ..............................
8. ..............................
A. black and green.
B. red and blue
C. a CD with a pronunciation guide
D. clearer definitions
E. clearer type – esier to read
F. free annual updates
G. more academic examples
H. more academic tone
I. more up-to-date examples
J. a wider range of word forms given
9.Exercise 5.09: Matching
Questions 1-7
Based on the dialogue you hear, match the descriptions from the box, A-I, with the foods, 1-7. NO LETTER IS USED MORE THAN ONCE. There are more options than are required. The recording is played once only.
1. Chapatti
2. Naan bread
3. Poppadom
4. Chicken korma
5. Rogan josh
6. Thai seafood curry
7. Bhaji
A. long and thick
B. mild with coconut
C. unusual with potatoes
D. round and flat
E. slice with pineapple
F. slightly spicy
G. lamb curry
H. thin and crispy
I. vegetables in flour, fried
10.Exercise 5.10: Matching
Bài nghe thuộc chương trình học của lớp IELTS ONLINE LISTENING 1 KÈM 1 của IELTS TUTOR
Questions 1-6
You will hear a talk about hotels. Based on the information you hear, match the hotels from the box, A-C, with the descriptions, 1-6. You may use some of the letters more than once. The recording is played once only.
1. Close to airport .........................
2. Close to city centre .........................
3. En suite bathroom .........................
4. Satellite TV .........................
5. Internet in room .........................
6. Credit cards accepted .........................
A. Swan Hotel
B. Sunrise Hotel
C. Backpacker Hotel
11. Exercise 6.01: Multiple choice
Questions 1-6
You will hear a talk on the Melbourne Olympic Games. Based on the information given, answer the following questions. The recording is played once only.
For questions 1, 2, and 3, circle ONE letter that represents the correct answer to each.
1. When were the Melbourne Olympics held in 1956?
A. November 8th to December 22nd
B. November 28th to December 22nd
C. November 18th to December 2nd
D. November 22nd to December 8th
2. Who paid the Lord Mayors' travel costs?
A. They paid them themselves.
B. Local businesses paid for them.
C. The Olympic Committee
D. Melbourne taxpayers paid higher taxes.
3. How many countries did they travel to?
A. 10
B. 15
C. 50
D. 59
For questions 4, 5, and 6, circle TWO letters that represent the correct answers to each.
4. What were the major reasons why Melbourne was awarded the Olympic Games?
A. They built a new airport.
B. The southern hemisphere climate
C. Excellent modern sports facilities
D. Large amount of free space available
5. At the Melbourne Olympic Games, which two countries won more medals than Australia?
A. The USA
B. China
D. East Germany
6. What benefits did the Games bring to Melbourne?
A. They attracted tourists.
B. Good publicity for Australian products
C. Improved transport links
D. They improved the manners of local people.
12. Exercise 6.02: Multiple choice
Bài nghe thuộc chương trình học của lớp IELTS ONLINE LISTENING 1 KÈM 1 của IELTS TUTOR
Questions 1-7
You will hear a talk about a school's job-seeker services. Based on the information you hear, answer the following questions. The recording is played once only.
For questions 1, 2, and 3, circle ONE letter that represents the correct answer to each.
1. Job-seeker services are available to students enrolled on which type of courses?
A. Part-time courses
B. Full-time courses
C. Vocational courses
D. Technical courses
2. Where can students find the list of jobs?
A. In room 101
B. On the school website
C. In the careers advisor's office
D. At the information desk
3. When is the job-seeker centre open?
A. 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
B. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
C. 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
D. 10:00 a.m. – 5:00p.m.
For questions 4, 5, 6, and 7, circle TWO letters that represent the correct answers to each.
4. Which days is the centre closed?
A. Thursdays
B. New Year's Day
C. School holidays
D. Examination time
5. What information is on display about the jobs available?
A. Types of work
B. Qualifications required for the job
C. Hourly rates of pay
D. Hours to be worked
6. It is the responsibility of the student to
A. make a note of the details.
B. inform a teacher.
C. telephone the employer.
D. attend an interview.
7. What types of job represent the best opportunities for finding work for students?
A. Domestic work (e.g. cleaning)
B. Childcare
C. Work in a hotel
D. Manual labour
13. Exercise 6.03: Multiple choice
Questions 1-5
You will hear some airport announcements. Based on the information you hear, answer the following questions. Circle ONE letter that represents the correct answer to each. The recording is played once only.
1. To board the flight to Bangkok, passengers must go to
A. section BD-221.
B. the arrivals area.
C. the Roberts building.
D. gate 42.
2. The number of the flight to Kiev is
A. CL-525.
B. SL-225S.
C. SL-525S.
D. CSL-525.
3. The departure of the flight to Chengdu has been delayed by
A. 15-30 minutes.
B. 15 minutes.
C. 30 minutes.
D. 50 minutes.
4. How long will the flight VD-624 to St Petersburg?
A. 30 minutes
B. 30 minutes longer than originally expected
C. 4 hours
D. 5 hours 10 minutes
5. Airport tax
A. must be paid at a machine near immigration.
B. is more expensive for international passengers.
C. can be paid at the immigration desk.
D. is not payable by domestic passengers.
14. Exercise 6.04: Multiple choice
Bài nghe thuộc chương trình học của lớp IELTS ONLINE LISTENING 1 KÈM 1 của IELTS TUTOR
Questions 1-8
Listen to a report on football and decide whether the following statements are True (A), False (B), or Not Given (C). Circle the correct letter for each statement. The recording is played once only.
1. “Soccer” in America is called “football” in Britain.
2. Fans should sit down when watching a game at top football clubs.
3. Football stadiums are used only during football season because the grass pitch needs time to recover.
4. Fire regulations have increased the cost of building a new stadium.
5. Spectators are allowed to touch football players on the pitch if they are close enough.
6. A season ticket does not mean you can watch all matches played by your club in one season.
7. Most fans must buy a meat pie and a drink at half-time.
8. You can watch popular football matches live on TV in a pub.
15. Exercise 6.05: Multiple choice
Questions 1-6
Listen to the owner of a horse-riding school welcoming some new riders and based on what the owner says, circle the letter, A, B, C, or D, that represents the correct statement to each question. The recording is played once only.
1. A. If riders follow the rules, they will be 100% safe.
B. If riders don't follow the rules, they will probably be safe and unhurt.
C. If riders don't follow the rules, the owner will definitely stop teaching them.
D. If riders don't follow the rules, they are putting themselves at risk.
2. A. Riders must respect the horses to dominate them.
B. The most important thing is to respect horses.
C. You must join another riding school if you do not like your horse.
D. Horses respect riders.
3. A. Riders must wear a helmet and boots whenever he or she is around horses.
B. An experienced rider does not have to wear a helmet when riding a horse.
C. Whenever they are near horses, riders must wear boots to protect their feet.
D. A helmet will mean you are safe if you fall off a horse.
4. A. The greatest horse riders in the world are not very good cooks.
B. Riders will inevitably fall off a horse at some point.
C. Riders will fall off a horse on the first day of riding.
D. If you do not expect it, you will fall off your horse.
5. A. A horse can kick a distance of three times its body length.
B. If you wear a helmet, a horse will not kick you.
C. Anybody who walks behind a horse will be kicked.
D. Standing in front of a horse means you are totally safe.
5. A. A horse can kick a distance of three times its body length.
B. If you wear a helmet, a horse will not kick you.
C. Anybody who walks behind a horse will be kicked.
D. Standing in front of a horse means you are totally safe.
6. A. The mistake riders make most often is not paying the riding school.
B. The mistake riders make most often is not watching what their horse is doing.
C. The mistake riders make most often is sitting incorrectly on the horse.
D. The mistake riders make most often is when mounting the horse.
16. Exercise 6.06: Multiple choice
Questions 1-6
Based on the talk given by the speaker, decide whether the following statements are True (A), False (B), or Not Given (C). Circle the correct letter for each statement. The recording is played once only.
1. Isambard Kingdom Brunel was born in the east of England.
2. Isambard Kingdom Brunel worked a great deal with his father.
3. Isambard Kingdom Brunel never saw the completed Clifton Suspension Bridge.
4. Isambard Kingdom Brunel designed a huge range of projects, including bridges, tunnels, ships, and docks.
5. Isambard Kingdom Brunel was also interested in early photo-graphic techniques.
6. The speaker admires Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
17. Exercise 6.07: Multiple choice
Bài nghe thuộc chương trình học của lớp IELTS ONLINE LISTENING 1 KÈM 1 của IELTS TUTOR
Questions 1-5
Based on the talk given by the speaker, answer the following questions. The recording is played once only.
For questions 1, 2, and 3, circle TWO letters that represent the correct answers to each.
1. Long-distance flights
A. are something people are taking more and more often.
B. can be difficult to deal with.
C. are always intolerable.
D. are a nightmare for children.
2. Where did the speaker learn of these pieces of advice?
A. Books and magazines
B. Friends and other travellers
C. Air stewards and stewardesses
D. The speaker's own experience
3. In order to get a row of seats to yourselves, the speaker advises
A. informing the aircrew.
B. reserving your tickets early.
C. settling in and organising the children's toys.
D. mentioning to the airline that children will be travelling with you.
For questions 4 and 5, circle ONE letter that represents the correct answer to each.
4. The speaker considers ______ a bad idea.
A. ordering ice cream in business class
B. making noise on the plane
C. travelling business class with children
D. playing too many video games
5. The speaker considers______ a good idea.
A. losing your temper if necessary
B. taking a fair attitude
C. not being embarrassed by your children
D. allowing the aircrew to assist
18. Exercise 6.08: Multiple choice
Questions 1-5
Based on the talk given by the speaker, circle the letter that represents the correct answer to each of the questions, 1-5, below. The recording is played once only.
1. About what percentage (%) of the world's population live in societies where men can have more than one wife?
A. 1/4
B. 4
C. 25
D. 75
2. In the past, a man having several wives meant that he could
A. ensure the financial independence of his wives.
B. enjoy himself.
C. become quite rich.
D. help out with only a little housework every day.
3. The main factors which have led to a decrease in the popularity of polygamy are eco-nomic factors, as well as changes in
A. education and women's rights.
B. children's educational associations.
C. social attitudes to polygamy.
D. the social acceptability of polygamy and women's rights.
4. The fact that men having several wives
A. has led to men arguing with their wives for centuries.
B. is unpopular with the wives.
C. has long been the subject of debate.
D. is illegal in all industrialised countries.
5. Some species of animal are polygamous
A. if the female is the ruling sex.
B. because the animals are ruled by male “kings”.
C. because nature needs to survive.
D. perhaps as way to help the species to continue to exist.
19. Exercise 6.09: Multiple choice
Questions 1-5
Based on the talk given by the speaker, circle the letter that represents the correct answer to each of the questions, 1-5, below. The recording is played once only.
1. The English word “biology"
A. is actually a Greek word.
B. originates from two separate words.
C. means “to study words”.
D. originates from three separate words.
2. Biology used to be
A. seen as less challenging than other sciences.
B. an easy, soft option at school.
C. the study of animals and other living things.
D. easier than physics or chemistry.
3. Nowadays, the science of biology
A. affects our lives more than physics or chemistry does.
B. is popular with Hollywood actors.
C. is recognised by more of the general public.
D. is often featured on TV, radio, and in the newspapers.
4. Advances in biological science are
A. universally welcomed.
B. essential to solving all global problems.
C. attracting young people to the science.
D. not a cause for worry.
5. The global issue which the speaker does NOT mention is
A. population growth.
B. disease.
C. energy.
D. natural habitat destruction.
20. Exercise 6.10: Multiple choice
Questions 1-6
Based on the talk given by the speaker, circle the letter that represents the correct answer to each of the questions, 1-6, below. The recording is played once only.
1. At the end of the last decade, the number of foreign tourists coming to the Philippines was
A. rising.
B. rising, but more slowly than before.
C. remaining almost the same.
D. falling
2. Which country was NOT mentioned as an important source of foreign tourists?
A. France
B. The UK
C. Germany
D. The USA
3. A global trend in tourist travel at the time was
A. Germans being poorer.
B. Mexico and Canada becoming more successful.
C. wealthier people staying at home.
D. tourists travelling less far for their holidays.
4. The Philippines' Tourist Authority decided to change their marketing. The fundamental change was
A. advertising on TV channels.
B. trying to attract more visitors from Asia.
C. showing that the country was safe.
D. to begin to advertise in China.
5. Compared to 2001, the number of visitors from China in 2002
A. rose by almost 50%.
B. rose to 47% the number of Korean visitors.
C. fell by only 3%.
D. rose by 8%.
6. Drinking and dancing in bars and relaxing on a beach
A. were boring for Europeans and Americans.
B. were something new for the Philippines.
C. were an attraction for visitors from China.
D. are for wealthy tourists only.
21. IELTS Listening Practice Test
Bài nghe thuộc chương trình học của lớp IELTS ONLINE LISTENING 1 KÈM 1 của IELTS TUTOR
21.1 Section 1 – Questions 1-10
A Japanese girl and a housing officer are talking about her homestay family.
Questions 1-5
The housing officer takes some details from the girl. Complete the following form with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
First name: 1.
Family name: Yuichini
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Passport number 2.
Nationality: Japanese
Course enrolled 3.
Length of the course 4.
Homestay time 5.
Question 6
Circle Two letters that represent the correct answers.
6. Which kinds of family does the girl prefer?
A. A big family with many young children
B. A family without smokers or drinkers
C. A family without any pets
D. A family with many animals or pets
Questions 7-10
Fill in the blanks with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
7. Although the girl is not a vegetarian, she does not eat a lot of meat. Her favourite food is ....................
8. The girl has given up playing handball. Now, she just plays .................... with her friends at weekends.
9. The girl does not like the bus because they are always late. She would rather ...................
10. The girl can get the information about the homestay family that she wants ............................
21.2 Section 2 – Questions 11-20
You will hear a talk by a tour guide about travel to Eznia. Complete the notes by filling in the blanks with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Now Eznian visas are needed by almost all nationalities.
Normal visas last 11...........................
You need to pay 12............................. for the visa.
Price may change from time to time.
Some Eznian consulates in neighbouring countries require you to provide a letter to 13.............................
You can get information of major embassies on 14............................ of the student handbook.
If you want to re-enter Eznia, you must get a multi-entry visa.
If you carry a lot of money, you need to complete a 15................................
Remember to declare all of your items, especially expensive items, on a 16...................................
You are advised to carry a health certificate. The one you need is the 17.........................................
If you wish to get a youth fare card, you should show your 18......................................
Due to the bureaucracy in Eznia, you are advised to take at least 19................................. passport photos with you.
Pounds and US dollars are not very useful now in Eznia, so you should take 20a................. or 20b................ with you.
Credit cards are not acceptable because of fraud scandals.
21.3 Section 3 – Questions 21-30
You will hear a discussion about shopping habits.
Questions 21-24
Complete the sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer
21. The woman being interviewed is now working in a bank. Her occupation is ...................
22. The woman usually spends about ......................... when she goes shopping.
23. The woman often goes to ........................... because she finds them convenient.
24. According to the woman, ........................... is/are her most difficult thing(s) to buy.
Questions 25-27
Fill in the blanks with ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Questions 28-30
Circle THREE letters that represent the correct answers.
Most of the people being interviewed think that ......................... is/are most difficult to buy.
A. books
B. study materials
C. foods
D. trousers
E. shoes
F. sportswear
21.4 Section 4 – Questions 31-40
You will hear a lecture about study. Circle ONE letter that represents the correct answer to each question below.
31. What does the lecturer provide for those who are interested in doing extra reading?
A. Personal consultation sessions
B. Extra materials, such as a booklist
C. Mid-term examination
D. Free glasses
32. In the past, time management meant you needed to ........................
A. reduce your stress
B. plan for every hour of the week
C. own a good watch
D. set goals and try to achieve these goals
33. Today, wise time management means you need to ........................
A. set goals and work in a systematic way
B. work faster
C. set an overview of your assignment
D. make a list, plan for everything, and try to stick to this plan
34. In this college, students are assigned ....................... at the end of each semester.
A. team projects
B. final term examinations
C. essays
D. time management courses
35. One sign the lecturer mentions that students feel under pressure is .................................
A. library books go missing
B. students get angry for no reason
C. lower class attendance rates
D. trouble at the library
36. What kind of suggestion does the lecturer give to the students?
A. Making a very detailed plan of their daily activities
B. Not being so stressed just because there is an assignment
C. A regular one-hour session in their personal timetables
D. Wearing comfortable shoes
37. According to the lecturer, there are three kinds of planners. They are ............................
A. one weekly planner, one daily planner, and one hour planner
B. one yearly planner, one weekly planner, and one daily planner
C. one term planner, one monthly planner, and one weekly planner
D. one term planner, one weekly planner, and one daily planner
38. If you want to set an overview of your time, you should need at least ..........................
A. one week
B. half a week
C. one month
D. one term
39. The daily planner of time is mainly concerned with ...........................
A. the detailed planning
B. how to plan all the available time
C. TV schedules
D. an overview of everything you need to do for several days
40. According to the lecturer, wise time management may have the following benefit: .......................
A. having more time to spend on relaxation and other activities
B. improving your academic performance in the final term assignment
C. helping you write better essays
D. improving your memory
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